
The Best Books of 2015

You know it must be December when, like Christmas cards, the Best Books of 2015 lists start appearing reinforcing just how many great books you missed out on during the year. Here are the New York Times’s favourites. The Door by Magda Szabo; A Manual for Cleaning Women by Lucia Berlin; Outline…

Cruising through the stunning scenery of Norway’s fjords


Despite the lateness, the sudden announcement causes a frenzy of activity. “The captain has notified us that the northern lights are visible to the rear of the ship.” 

Within minutes it seems every passenger on ­Hurtigruten’s MS NordkappIMG_7972 has appeared on deck in various stages of cold-weather readiness. There is ­scarcely any conversation. Even the frenzied click of cameras quickly abates. The ethereal green swirls that dance across the clear inky sky are entrancing. Our ­voyage up the Norwegian coast has promised myriad natural treasures and has already paid off.

We are cruise neophytes wary of setting out aboard the equivalent of a


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