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How books can change lives

Books and reading have been an intrinsic part of life since long before I can remember. They are intrinsic both to a profession I love but also to the endless hours of pleasure and escapism. It’s hard to imagine existing in a world where the written word is absent. Last month was International Literacy Day and whilst clearly aware that there is global inequality in people having access to books, the statistics still shock bringing home the magnitude of the problem, and its devastating impact on people’s daily lives.

According to UNESCO there are 793million adults around the world who are illiterate

Support Australia’s Indigenous Literacy Day

For all of you who love books and reading, take a minute today to check out Australia’s Indigenous Literacy Foundation site. IndigenousLiteracyIt will give you some idea of the great work that is being done helping Indigenous children get access to culturally appropriate books and resources in an effort to improve literacy. It also gives you the opportunity to celebrate International Literacy Day, today, and donate so that the work can increase.

Indigenous Literacy Day is organised annually by the Indigenous Literacy Foundation which has raised more than $2million over the past six years. The Foundation provides culturally books and resources to community centres, schools, mothers’ centres and other organisations across the country including in some of the most remote parts of the country.

Among the ILF’s innovative projects is the one at the remote Warburton community, in the Ngaanyatjarra Lands, Gibson Desert, Western Australia.

Indigenous Literacy Day

Ever since I was tiny my life has been full of books. Books my parents and extended family bought for me for birthdays or just because they thought I would like them. Books passed down to me by my siblings. Books borrowed from the local library or the one at school.…

Cheers for a superstar

Authors aren’t usually given the big showbiz treatment but the cheers were loud and long when John Marsden took the stage at the Byron Bay Literary Festival. Appearing before a very enthusiastic youthful audience he said the welcome made him feel like Justin Bieber. Judging by the cheers we had been…


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